The goals of ECO-CRUISING FU_TOUR...
The complexity of the Mediterranean requires shared solutions and the inclusion of all the key players during the cooperative process. The ECO-CRUISING FU_TOUR therefore aims to address common challenges and to contribute to the achievement of the 3 main goals:
a safer and more secure maritime space;
a smart and resilient blue economy;
better governance of the sea
The ECO-CRUISING FU_TOUR will achieve the main goals by conducting the following strategic actions:
Technical Coordination and Management
Assessment Analysis & Strategic Planning for Sustainable Cruise Destinations
Capacity Building: Up skilling, exchange of good practices and cross-cooperation
Design of eco-smart packages product: the EU WestMed ECO-Cruising Fu-Tour packages
Pre-commercialisation, planning for the launch and preparation to transfer
Sustainability, promotion, networking, communication and community cooperation
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