On November 25th, Leancubator organized a workshop bringing together the community of SMEs and startups active in the sustainable tourism sector in Algeria, as part of the ECO CRUISING FU_TOUR project. The main objective of this meeting was to position Algeria on the Mediterranean map through an eco-responsible tourism package.
This was achieved by gathering participants from various sectors, creating a conducive environment for fruitful exchanges and promising prospects for the development of sustainable tourism in Algeria. The presence of large companies, SMEs, startups, students, and key players in the tourism sector enriched the discussions and opened innovative horizons.
A highlight of this workshop was the highlighting of the ecological assets of the various Algerian destinations selected, as well as the integration of products and services presented by our participants into the packages of the dedicated program for the development of an eco-responsible cruise.
We express our deep gratitude to all the participants, speakers, and partners who contributed to the success of this event. The commitment to sustainable tourism in Algeria inspires the entire community.
Are you a startup, SME, or a professional active in the tourism sector? Feel free to register in the capacity development program of the ECO CRUISING FU_TOUR project: https://www.ecocruising-fu-tour.eu/capacity-building-programme18ce18b8
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