The Ministry of Tourism in Tunisia announced the axes of the national strategic vision of Tunisian tourism by 2035. It aims to make tourism an important engine of economic, social, and environmental development, throughout the Tunisian territory, by 2035. It is a question of making Tunisia one of the most competitive and sustainable destinations in the world, through the diversification of its tourist products and the attraction of new markets, according to a press release published by the Presidency of the government.
It is also about “making Tunisia a clean tourist destination” that preserves the cultural and natural heritage for current and future generations.
The 2035 National Tourism Strategy has a common vision among the different actors in the tourism sector. The objective is to strengthen its ability to adapt to global demand, in addition to developing new models of tourist products (valorisation of tangible and intangible heritage) to develop the Tunisian tourist offer.
It is based on four strategic objectives, namely: competitiveness, diversification, investment, and marketing.
The implementation of this strategy aims to promote a sustainable recovery of the sector, in particular after the losses caused by the Covid-19 crisis. It also aims to set up sustainable tourism and consolidate its place in the national economy.
The cruise sector is an important component of Tunisia's national strategic vision for tourism by 2035. Over the past few years, Tunisia has seen a significant increase in the number of cruise ships and passengers visiting the country. This has been driven in part by the development of new ports and improved infrastructure along the Tunisian coastline.
Cruise tourism has become an important part of Tunisia's tourism industry, providing jobs and revenue to the country. Tunisia is an attractive destination for cruise ships due to its rich cultural heritage, stunning coastline, and favorable climate. The government has also taken steps to ensure that safety and security of visitors is maintained, as well as reduce the environmental impact of cruise ships.
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