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Although sustainability is a dominant topic in all industries, many questions arise about the readiness of cruisers and their willingness to take the course of sustainability.

With globalization and the development of mass tourism, many executives believe that passengers are not yet ready for this transition which is a real challenge for the industry, believing that it is a process that also involves education and training of stakeholders including cruisers.

And this includes explaining to cruisers why they should care that much about this transition! 

With the world's first "multi-hybrid" ship, running on a combination of LNG and batteries. A revolution towards a sustainable cursing industry involving zero carbon emissions once the ship is in port. 

But what exactly will this change for cruisers? First of all, it's a great way to travel with a reduced carbon footprint but also enjoying the beauty of marine life with reduced disruption compared to old energies used thanks to the new battery model implemented.

Cruise Critic's own investigation revealed some interesting results. In February 2021, 77 % of those surveyed said that cruise lines' environmentally friendly policies and protocols were important to them. More than a third of those surveyed said they had become more aware of cruise line sustainability initiatives in recent years, but 20% said they didn't pay attention at all.

Ultimately, the great majority of executives believe that much of the change in the industry will depend on passenger choices and a willingness to change their consumption habits and lifestyles to enable this crucial transition. However, the positive evidence is that this adjustment is already happening, as cruise companies are taking action on multiple levels.

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