The ECO-CRUISING FU_TOUR project aims to boost managerial, innovative, blue, green, and digital skills of tourism West Mediterranean SMEs, but ultimately public and private stakeholders, in charge of the promotion of European and West European coastal and maritime destinations, through specialized capacity building programs and eco-smart packages.
The first step of the project execution was to conduct a survey to EU and non-EU tourism SMEs to understand the state-of-the-art of the sector post-Covid, as well as the barriers, obstacles but ultimately the opportunities for the maritime sector in Italy, Spain, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, and the Western Mediterranean, in general.
A total of 251 well-diversified stakeholders were identified. From this pool of stakeholders, 130 responded to the project survey, achieving the project goal of 100 surveys, with 47 being SMEs. Α very good mix of international, regional, and national stakeholders was achieved, with the majority (approx. 57 %) having a very high or high level of influence, thus creating a significant pool of strong players that can provide high quality input for the project.
Three major categories of stakeholders were identified, creating a very interesting mix:
The survey process gave significant insight regarding the state-of-the-art in the cruise industry and lead to a number of valuable conclusions, among which:
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