Let's take a look at these three best practices of making the cruising industry more sustainable and resilience!
Technologies the at service of eco-friendly ships
To reduce its reliance on fossil fuels, use cleaner-burning marine gas oil instead of traditional heavy bunker fuel, and several lines have begun the switch to liquefied natural gas, which they say reduces emissions further still. Ship design is also key to increasing efficiency.
Shore Power Is Expanding Its Footprint
A new, simpler way for cruise lines to reduce their emissions: connect to shore power. This will allow the ship to use more environmentally friendly and less polluting fuels.
However this method cannot be applied on all ports since the challenge facing the large majority of them is that they don't have electricity at the seaside.
A device developed by islands that existed before COVID-19- passenger dispersal. Many of them pass legislation restricting the size and capacity of passengers on vessels making stopovers several times a day. Cruise passengers need to adjust their schedules and port schedules, this will continue to be one of the most visible aspects of sustainability in the cruise industry.
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